Rachael Elizabeth Hill

Rachael Elizabeth Hill of Glen Allen, Va., loved to read—especially novels and the Bible. An accomplished classical pianist, she had studied piano since she was six years old.
Rachael had definite educational goals. Although she had just started college last fall, she knew she wanted to earn a Ph.D. in biochemistry, specializing in nanotechnology.
The daughter of Allen and Tammy Hill, she was a 2006 graduate of Grove Avenue Christian School in Richmond. The entire class of 2006 was exceptionally close. Their consensus, and that of all those who knew Rachael well, is that it is difficult to capture the beauty, intelligence, poise, leadership, and other wonderful traits that Rachael possessed.
She enjoyed classic movies, playing volleyball, shopping for shoes, and hanging out with her parents.
Rachael was perpetually prepared. One of her beloved scriptures is Song of Solomon 8:5, “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?” She saw herself as the one coming out of the wilderness and needing to lean on her Savior more and more. Her personal goal was to glorify God in all she did through her Lord Jesus Christ.
Rachael’s high school administrator writes, “The world has lost one of its brightest prospects, but the Lord is glorified through the Daughter of the King that she is, the life that she lived, and the impact Rachael had on others in the name of Jesus.”
Her senior yearbook quote from C.S. Lewis sums up best what her family feels she would say at this time, “God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.”
Glen Allen, Virginia
University Studies
Student since Fall 2006
Posthumous degree(s):
Bachelor of Science,
Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Arts,
Rachael Elizabeth Hill stone at April 16 Memorial